Message from our Founder


Sometimes we come across something that is bigger than its individual parts… that is the Calgary Women Fly Fishers Club. Each segment of the club, each founding member, and everyone connected to the club is very special, but the Club is so very, very SPECIAL.  Since its very beginning, things have happened to, and for the Club that are simply unexplainable.  We often shake our heads in wonderment!

When I first called for women to help in the formation of this Club, only three ladies stepped forward and said they believed in the vision that I had for a women’s fly fishing club and that they would try their best to see it through to completion.  I wanted a club that would support and encourage women to get on the water.  I envisioned experienced fly fishers mentoring the “newbies”.  I had a dream of entertaining women fly fishers from across the globe and showing them the best that Alberta has to offer. 

I wanted to learn about environmental and conservation issues and become a better steward of our lands, forests, and waters.  I saw the new club as a place where women of all ages, all walks of life and at all stages of experience could come together and socialize, learn, and fly fish together.

Things started to “happen”.  Shortly after that first dinner table meeting, other women entered the Club’s life.  They too brought their skills, their experience, their ideas, and most of all, they brought their enthusiasm.   We had the right people in the right place and at the right time.

We needed a place to have regular meetings and we searched the City high and low.  We had a vision about the “right place” and we found it.  The Bow Habitat Station (formerly known as the Sam Livingston Fish Hatchery) welcomed us with open arms.  We now had a home!

We worked hard… and things continued to “just happen” for this Club.  Everywhere we went to spread the word, people responded with “It’s about time”, “How do I join?” and most importantly “How can I help?”  We called on each of the local fly shops and at each one we were met with approval, positive suggestions, and offers of assistance.  We needed people in the fly fishing community to help us with presentations and hands-on instruction.  Again we met with good fortune!  Every fly shop we spoke to offered to do a presentation, gave us club discounts, or gave product for door prizes.  Every organization that we spoke with offered to help in some way.  We got advice on insurance.  We got contact names.  We got the best conservation and environmental connections.  Everywhere we went, everyone we spoke to, and everything we needed just fell into place.  The stars started to line up for us!

We have worked hard for this Club.  Yes, we have had our setbacks and our disappointments, but we have always come through with a better idea, a better plan, a better solution.  I am confident that our great-grandchildren will open the time capsule 100 years from now and think that we were really “old fashioned” in our thinking, but here we are today and we are here to stay.

Please join us on this part of our journey.  Be part of our future.  Come fly fishing with us.

Our club was founded August 4, 2011